About Me

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Fluent in Maltese,English and Italian.I am a vegetarian .I live and let live..literally! I don't judge anyone and I hate racism.Wishing for a better planet!

Live Long and Prosper...Mr.Spock

Live Long and Prosper...Mr.Spock
Be always honest and don't judge anyone, live and let live....let everyone live the way they want....as long as they are not hurting anyone by their actions,leave people alone!!! .......my quote! From Rodenberry's vision-It is a post scarcity society: There is no poverty and no hunger-will this ever happen??

Star Trek

Star Trek
Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My chunkier version of Pumpkin soup

This is my chunkier version of Pumpkin soup and it is a made in two stages. I make it in these two stages so that the soup comes chunky and the potatoes and carrots are not pureed too.( I use alternative to salt -which is sodium free and low sodium veg cubes because of my high blood pressure,but you can use the normal ones).
First chop and fry an onion,then add the finely chopped pumpkin. Add some water, one veg stock cube, salt and pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. Stir every now and then and if it gets too dry add more water.
After a couple of minutes when the pumpkin becames soft,puree the mixture with a hand blender. This is the base of the soup-You can let it cool and freeze it at this stage and use it for your soup at another time.
To start the soup, finely chop a medium onion and fry in a little oil, then add some chopped carrots cut in small chunks. Fry for a minute and then add 1 tbs of tomato puree diluted in a some boiling water (aroung half a cup). Then add chopped potatoes. Continue to stir for a couple of minutes.

Then add some more salt and pepper ,another vegetable stock cube,the pumpkin puree and add some water to make it more diluted. Bring to boil,stirring every now and then.Lower heat and simmer for about 20 m,not forgetting to stir until the potatoes and the carrots are done.Check the seasoning at the end.

When the soup is ready you can eat it as it is or as soon as the soup is done break tiny spaghetti pieces in it,stir,turn off the heat,cover and let the heat cook the pasta.
Another version...if you look it a bit hot...add a few chili flakes in the first stage while cooking the pumpkin and this will give it some heat.

Jacqueline Sammut.

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