About Me

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Fluent in Maltese,English and Italian.I am a vegetarian .I live and let live..literally! I don't judge anyone and I hate racism.Wishing for a better planet!

Live Long and Prosper...Mr.Spock

Live Long and Prosper...Mr.Spock
Be always honest and don't judge anyone, live and let live....let everyone live the way they want....as long as they are not hurting anyone by their actions,leave people alone!!! .......my quote! From Rodenberry's vision-It is a post scarcity society: There is no poverty and no hunger-will this ever happen??

Star Trek

Star Trek
Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Days have passed.  I was stuck on this deserted Island and no one knew of my existence.  I was becoming desperate and my mind was going insane.

             I searched long and far and I have not found any food, or drinking water on this Island; who wrote Robinson Crusoe clearly had a vivid imagination! 

             My throat was so tight and dry that I could feel myself nearly choking.  And my stomach was so tight that it actually ached.  My body was tired – tired of searching for food and tired from sleepless nights.  And my mind was going insane, from hallucinating, from terror of the night, and from knowing that I was slowly dying an inhuman death, all alone on this uninhabited land.  I decided to challenge death and end my misery before my time came. 

            I made a solid rope out of long bamboo shoots, which I cut into long thin strips and twisted them all together to make a rope.  This would hold my weight I thought.   I climbed up high on to a tree and tied the rope tightly on to a thick outstretched branch.  Then I tied the other end of the rope to my neck.  All I had to do was jump and I would be free of this agony.  I looked down to assure myself that I was high enough, then I closed my eyes, feeling my heart pumping vigorously; took a deep breath and without hesitating I leaped off the tree.  All I heard was a snap then total darkness.

          I woke up startled, grasping for air, instinctively my hand flew up to my neck.  It was all a bad dream I assured myself.  I was at home, in my own bed….just a bad dream, I told myself again.  I turned to switch on the bed side lamp, while brushing off with my hand, beads of sweat that were on my forehead.  It was then that my eyes rested on a return flight ticket to the Caribbean.  That following morning I was due to fly off to a Caribbean Island.  I had been waiting all my life for this dream holiday ………now I was not so sure anymore!!
Written by Jacqueline Sammut
(fiction story)

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