About Me

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Fluent in Maltese,English and Italian.I am a vegetarian .I live and let live..literally! I don't judge anyone and I hate racism.Wishing for a better planet!

Live Long and Prosper...Mr.Spock

Live Long and Prosper...Mr.Spock
Be always honest and don't judge anyone, live and let live....let everyone live the way they want....as long as they are not hurting anyone by their actions,leave people alone!!! .......my quote! From Rodenberry's vision-It is a post scarcity society: There is no poverty and no hunger-will this ever happen??

Star Trek

Star Trek
Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


     Life was horrible at the time.  The source of my problem- drug abuse!  My aim in life then?  I was hell bent on destroying it.  
     I drugged myself as often as I could and I stole all that I could put my hands on to obtain drugs.  Drugs ruled my life.  They became my friends.  I found contentment in them and for a few hours a day I was free of anxiety and pain.  Why had they become my friends?  Because I had none!  All my so called friends and family had vanished from the face of the Earth, when I needed them the most. 
     And so my journey deep into the abyss of drugs continued and so did my crimes.  I was in a deep hole; too deep to crawl out of.  I got caught, red handed stealing and as delirious as I was, I turned violent on the police force.  I emptied all my bullets on them.  Fortunately, no one was killed.  That earned me the privilege of solitary confinement in prison. 
     My only possession – a small book, given to me, named ‘The Bible’.  I was an atheist.  At the time, I thought that all religions were a bunch of abracadabra or hocus-pocus!   Too much solitude turned me to this book and I started reading.   It was better then talking to the rats and cockroaches that surrounded me in my small cell.
     I was going through my rehabilitation program during my imprisonment and many times I felt weak and miserable.  I would have traded my right arm for a piece of rope, so that I could turn it around my neck and hang.  The more wretched I became the more drawn to this small book with powerful words I became!
     Then one night I heard a voice saying,” My son, you are not alone.  Do not despair.  I am your friend and I shall never abandon you”.  Was I in a delirium state again?  Whatever it was, I had never felt so loved before and I vowed never to forget that voice and that moment.  I converted and swore to myself that once out of prison, I would do something good with my life.

     Now I know that there is no one more special then God.  I know that he shall always be my friend, my wall of support.  He is and always will be my special friend!
Written by Jacqueline Sammut

(fiction story)

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